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The Via Sacra (Way of the Cross, Via Crucis, Via Dolorosa) is a set of 14/15 paintings or sculptures that represent the main scenes of the Passion of Jesus Christ. This popular devotion, usually made during Lent, contemplates, prays and meditates on the dramatic moments, performing them, with Jesus, from the court of Pilate to Mount Calvary where he was crucified. This godly exercise can be done inside the temple or on city streets.
Standard Via Crucis for procession EP001. With the resurrection scene, there are 15 standards. The scenes are printed in twill (100% polyester microfiber) lined with rustic damask jacquard (thick fabric). Its dimensions 72 x 58 cm (height x width), allow good visualization of the figures. When the via sacra is made in the streets, the standard can be carried attached to a wooden or metal pole.
Fabric: Twill / jacquard.
Fabric color: Light beige.
Quantity: 15 standards.
Dimensions: 72 x 58 cm (height x width).